Saturday, July 13, 2013

Great Things make Greater Memories

Sorry it has taken me so long to post this. Now that classes are picking up I am doing fewer and fewer tourist trips and more studying. One class I loved taking was my first calligraphy class... I was horrible but practice make perfect!! 

Look at how good I was by the end of class!! 

 Just kidding! It was my teacher! This is my Chinese name which is 罗玫瑰 Luo Meigui (Low May Gway). The word for actual Romans is 罗马人 (Low Ma Ren) and Meigui 玫瑰 means Rose which is my English middle name. The name feels very me :) 

Then was the Great Wall of China, it was absolutely amazing! The trip up through a bit of the countryside was beautiful. 

Then I took a cable car up :) 

Then this was the first view I had of the great wall. My heart definitely skipped a beat. 

Once I got to the end of the reconstructed part of the wall I just kept going. Knowing I was walking on the original wall with over 600 year of history was all too amazing. I definitely would love to visit it again. 

The way that nature had become a part of the wall was probably the most beautiful part. It truly seemed like a Ming masterpiece. 

These are my feet, I literally walked on the wall's wall. 

Also the ride down was nothing casual. It was a toboggan which was pretty fast and probably likewise unsafe but SO much fun!!! 

谢谢! 再见! 

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