Thursday, July 4, 2013

Class & Tiananmen

Today was the first day of class which I really enjoyed, I love my teachers and I feel pretty comfortable with the level I was placed at! I finally feel like I can speak out in class without being totally wrong :P I also love the campus, it really is starting to feel like a little home away from home. If I could only master ordering food, I'd be pretty set! 

And this is Noble, he decided he wanted to fly away :) 

After class we decided to make a spontaneous trip to Tiananmen for dinner. I love that we can do that. We took the subway which in China is amazingly clean and easy to use. I was pretty excited haha 

Then after one transfer we got to Tiananmen, which is what I had pictured in my head every time I though of Beijing. I just stood there and tried to image what it must of looked like filled with artists, writers, and students all fighting for something. How so many amazing and complex events in Chinese history happened here, it was definitely the highlight of my trip so far! 


And this man who came up to me and asked for a picture with me, anybody know why? He was nice though :) haha 

And if you know me you know that this habit will follow me the world over :) 


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